The legacy of Luke Batty
I think I would have liked Luke Batty.
He had chutzpah. He had cheek. He lived up the road a bit and did similar things after-school as my brood.
I would have liked Luke Batty – a lemon juggling, banana eating larrikin who loved to post you-tube snippets and joke with his mum. His family of course know him as so much more. The tragedy is – there will be no more. Continue Reading →
Writing words of love on Valentine’s Day
How to find the right words of love to fire cupid’s bow
I’m not a big wrap for Valentine’s Day. The Skipper though once was, as he proposed to me on February 14th and promptly retired from all romantic gestures after said event. Continue Reading →
Random stuff about the Coast Writer
As the Coast Writer I help tell other people’s stories . . . and now I lift the tupperware lid on mine.
- When I was 15 I entertained the idea of becoming a star of the stage and screen. I say entertained the idea, the audience… not so much. Continue Reading →
Grammar lesson from a 9 year old
Today my primary-schooler issued his copywriting mum with an Epic Fail grading when it came to grammar.
I’m a tad embarrassed as it’s something I should have known. That’s the problem with thinking you know it all in the word-nerd stakes, it can back-fire.
The Junior Scribbler and I were having a natter about Homophones. Look, it’s just a writerly thing to get excited about grammar with your kids, stop looking at me strangely. Continue Reading →
The summer of my childhood
I have just given my kids the summer of my childhood.
The summer that sets the scene for all other summer’s to fall obediently in behind it. The pace, the usual suspects, the melancholic flow, the location . . . the perfect formula all now laid out before them for summers to come. And all oh-so familiar to me. Continue Reading →